
Registered Nurse. Soon-to-be MD in the making (hopefully). Orange lover, still. Loves Math. Procrastinator/Crammer. Sluggish. Obsessive Compulsive. Emo-tional. Sensitive. "Overlapping." Weakling. Motivated. Contradicting. Loser. Nerd. Soon-to-be Geek.


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Kyla Buenafe



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So hard to admit.
June 15th, 2010 | 11:40 PM

Yes there are some things in life you really want to say it out loud but you just can't. I want to but I just really can't. It's not bad. It's just that I don't want to admit it to myself that indeed...

I miss you. :">

Okay ang cheesy, pero kasi naman. We used to be classmates. And "sight-seeing" was a whole lot easier back summer classes. :)) Now, I can't do that anymoooore. He's not even a semi-classmate anymore. Ang fail. :| I'm gonna miss hiiiiiim. Wait, I'm missing him now. WTH. Ang labo ko. Buuuut, err, kasi naman ehhh. :|:|

Here I go again being so frustrated. Shiz. I thought I'm gonna be tougher and gonna play harder than usual? It's so hard when you like someone. It's like you have this tendency to reveal your soft side. Rar. 

I don't want to fall for this kind of game again.

I just realized I posted a new entry again after 35348975934832429 years. :))  

orange you glad?

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