
Registered Nurse. Soon-to-be MD in the making (hopefully). Orange lover, still. Loves Math. Procrastinator/Crammer. Sluggish. Obsessive Compulsive. Emo-tional. Sensitive. "Overlapping." Weakling. Motivated. Contradicting. Loser. Nerd. Soon-to-be Geek.


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Kyla Buenafe



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Trust Issues
June 24th, 2015 | 10:17 PM

Something I learned for the past few days: NEVER EVER EVEEEER TRUST ANYONE. Because ANYONE and even everyone can or will betray you one way or another. 

Just last week, my friend R and her boyfriend broke up due to a third party involved. All the things that happened to me in the past flashed back in an instant. Very similar. VERY very similar. The (ex) boyfriend doesn't really looked like he will cheat on my friend. But noooooo. You really can't expect that from them anymore. Even if given the fact that they have been cheated on before. Sometimes, you can't just really avoid it. They let themselves flow into this overpleasant temporary situation where they'll later on regret (or as I presume they will later on). Not yet over with this shocking news, another shocking happening popped up few days later. C and J who's already steady-dating suddenly became on the rocks due to J. And I already assumed that there's someone else even though she has been trying to convince me that it's not and later on found out that it was true! UGH. 

So what did I realize? Not because you have been cheated on before doesn't give you an assurance that he/she won't do it to you sooner or later. Back to my old entry title, Rule #3: Never assume. Never, EVER! 


On the side note, for the past 3 months it's all about adjustments, new situations, acceptance, and re-aligning life goals.   Parents' migration, MD Failure, Grad School admission.  

orange you glad?

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