
Registered Nurse. Soon-to-be MD in the making (hopefully). Orange lover, still. Loves Math. Procrastinator/Crammer. Sluggish. Obsessive Compulsive. Emo-tional. Sensitive. "Overlapping." Weakling. Motivated. Contradicting. Loser. Nerd. Soon-to-be Geek.


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Kyla Buenafe



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First Christmas without Parentals
December 25th, 2015 | 04:51 PM

This year's Christmas is a bit sad. I feel so tired for the past few weeks. Only last night was I able to sleep for 11 hours long! Happy for every moment of it. Anyway, had a hard time convincing my sister to come with me at Rockwell for yearly Christmas tradition. Was trying to make it a normal one even without my parents around but sadly it was a tough task to do. She was such a kill joy! Wouldn't want to watch a movie alone, I was almost convinced to do stuff in a coffee shop with her but she's really not willing to celebrate it with me. Sad. Really. 

Since I'm alone this day, I decided to hit to the mall and try to pass the day and not feel bad at all. And I tend to be more observant when I'm alone in the mall. Here are some of my observations:

1. There is a really growing number of women becoming single mothers. 

2. Filipinos always take advantage of the priviledges even though they are not entitled to. As I was in queuing to order my lunch, the woman in front of me (around 30s) ordered 3 dishes. I noticed she handed a senior citizen ID. She wasn't with a senior in line so I thought maybe the elderly is already seated. As I saw them get to their seats and eat lunch, they were 3 of them--another girl and a guy (almost same age with the lady). I was really disappointed how she and all the others who take advantage of these things which they know they don't deserve of.

But anyway, I just felt writing them down. Anyway it's Christmas and we should all be happy. I'm happy somehow because I have day off and time to rest. Time to go to mass. The day's almost over. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 

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